welcome to weareflyfishing.com
What we are about
weareflyfishing.com was founded by a new generation of fly anglers. Fly anglers that hail from all over the world and vary in age, gender and cultural background. Despite their divergent roots, they have one thing in common: the firm belief that fly fishing is more than fishing with a fly.
To spread our beliefs, we created this platform and called it weareflyfishing. The platform is divided into 3 ‘paths’. Whether you follow one path or several at once is entirely up to you. Together they have but one goal, and that is to inspire you.
Path 1: our free to read magazines: DRAAD Magazine (fly tying only) and We Are Fly Fishing Magazine.
Path 2: our not – for – profit fly fishing trips.
Path 3: joining our fly fishing outdoor (youth & adult) camps.
Both magazines are part of the not – for – profit concept of weareflyfishing and are made by fly anglers from all over the world. Every magazine we try to work with different guests to keep both magazines fresh and inspiring. If you like to be involved in one of our magazines, feel free to contact us.
Every year we organize adventurous, yet affordable (reader) trips to interesting fly fishing destinations (Aman, The Maldives, Iceland, Norway, Austria, The Netherlands…) For more information please contact us by email.
Fly fishing / outdoor camps.
Every year we organize, both for beginning as for more advanced fly anglers, several fly fishing/outdoor camps. These camps take place in Europe. For more information about these fly fishing camps, please contact us by e-mail.